Gallstone Treatment and Gallbladder Surgery
Gallbladder disorders are among the most common conditions seen and treated by ARC general surgeons. While a significant number of adults have gallstones, they don’t always cause clinical symptoms. ARC general surgeons can properly evaluate patients and discuss surgical and non-surgical options.
For patients who meet the criteria for surgical intervention, ARC general surgeons can discuss a variety of approaches and tailor your treatment. Through the use of modern technology, like the da Vinci robotic platform, the vast majority of procedures requiring gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) can be done on an outpatient basis with a quick return to a normal lifestyle.
- Cholecystectomy (Laparoscopic and Robotic)
Cholecystectomy (Laparoscopic and Robotic)
A cholecystectomy is surgery to remove your gallbladder, a small organ under your liver. It's on the upper right side of your belly (abdomen), and stores a digestive juice called bile that is made in the liver. A laparoscopic cholecystectomy is less invasive, which means it uses very small incisions in your belly. The benefits of a laparoscopic proceduce is less bleeding and the recovery time is usually shorter than an open surgery.
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- da Vinci Surgery
da Vinci Surgery
ARC offers minimally invasive surgical care using one of the most advanced and sophisticated tools, the da Vinci® Surgical System. The da Vinci® Surgical System is a tool that utilizes advanced, robotic technologies to assist your surgeon with your operation. It does not act on its own and its movements are controlled by your surgeon.
- Single Incision (Nearly Scarless) Cholecystectomy
Single Incision (Nearly Scarless) Cholecystectomy
A cholecystectomy is surgery to remove your gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small organ under your liver that stores a digestive juice called bile that is made in the liver.
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- Biliary Dyskinesia
Biliary Dyskinesia
Biliary dyskinesia is a functional gallbladder disorder. It means that your gallbladder isn't contracting and ejecting bile effectively.
- Biliary Pancreatitis
Biliary Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is the swelling (inflammation) of the pancreas. This may happen when digestive juices or enzymes attack the pancreas.
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- Cholecystitis
Cholecystitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the gallbladder. It happens when a digestive juice called bile gets trapped in your gallbladder.
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- Gallbladder Issues
Gallbladder Issues
Gallbladder issues typically involve gallstones and inflammation. Gas, nausea, and abdominal discomfort can also be a sign of gallbladder issues.
- Gallstones
Gallstones are lumps of solid material that form in your gallbladder. They are also called cholelithiasis. They are made when the digestive juice called bile turns hard and stone-like.
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ARC Far West Medical Tower
6811 Austin Center Boulevard
Suite 300
Austin, TX 78731
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Semyon (Sam) Gambarin, MD
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Languages: Russian, Spanish (limited)
Ages Seen: 16 - 99
Bao C. Nguyen, MD, FACS
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Languages: Vietnamese
Ages Seen: 16 - 99
Kevin O'Farrell, MD
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Ages Seen: 16 - 99
ARC Medical Plaza Specialty
1401 Medical Parkway
Building B, Suite 200
Cedar Park, TX 78613
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Christopher W. Bailey, MD, FACS
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Ages Seen: 14 - 99
Arielle C. DuBose, MD, FACS, FASCRS
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgerySkin and Soft TissueColon, Rectal Disease, and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Ages Seen: 18 - 99
Marco Vinicio Medina-Zea, MD, FACS, FASMBS
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and CancerBariatric Surgery
Accepting new patients
Languages: Spanish
Ages Seen: 14 - 99
ARC South 1st Specialty and Pediatrics
3816 South 1st Street
Austin, TX 78704
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Angela M. Ekern, APRN, FNP-C
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Ages Seen: 16 - 99
Joseph E. Garcia, MD
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Ages Seen: 14 - 99
Delfino Estevan Lorenzo, MD, FACS
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Ages Seen: 16 - 99
Rachael E.P. Seddighzadeh, DO, MS
General Surgery
Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer
Accepting new patients
Ages Seen: 18 - 99