GERD Treatment

GERD Treatment Banner

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is commonly referred to as acid reflux or heartburn. When lifestyle changes and medicine do not reduce symptoms like a burning pain in the chest, a bitter taste at the back of the mouth, or difficulty swallowing, your doctor or advanced practice clinician (APC) may suggest surgery.

GERD treatment with the da Vinci robotic system

You can discuss surgical treatment options with an ARC board certified general surgeon. Surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux, including hiatal hernia repair and partial or complete fundoplication, can be performed in a minimally invasive fashion with the utilization of robotic technology that allows faster recovery and eliminates symptoms.

Contact your physician to set up an appointment with your surgeon, who can guide you through the proper evaluation, preparation, and surgical treatment of GERD.


da Vinci Surgery

da Vinci Surgery

ARC offers minimally invasive surgical care using one of the most advanced and sophisticated tools, the da Vinci® Surgical System. The da Vinci® Surgical System is a tool that utilizes advanced, robotic technologies to assist your surgeon with your operation. It does not act on its own and its movements are controlled by your surgeon.

Hiatal (Diaphragm) Hernia Repair

Hiatal (Diaphragm) Hernia Repair

Your ARC surgeon might suggest hiatal hernia repair if you have long-term (chronic) heartburn and other symptoms. You will need some time to recover after the surgery.

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Laparoscopic Fundoplication

Laparoscopic Fundoplication

Laparoscopic fundoplication is a procedure for patients with acid reflux, oesaphagus issues, and hernias that don't respond to medicine treatments.


Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux

Heartburn, also called acid indigestion, or acid reflux, is a burning chest pain that starts behind your breastbone and moves up to your neck and throat. It can last as long as 2 hours. It often feels worse after you eat. Lying down or bending over can also cause heartburn.

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Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal Hernia

In a hiatal hernia, part of your stomach pushes up into an opening (the hiatus) in your diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle between your belly (abdomen) and your chest.

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Locations & Providers

  • ARC Far West Medical Tower
    6811 Austin Center Boulevard
    Suite 300
    Austin, TX 78731
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    • Semyon (Sam) Gambarin, MD
      Semyon Gambarin
      Semyon (Sam) Gambarin, MD
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Languages: Russian, Spanish (limited) Ages Seen: 16 - 99

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    • Bao C. Nguyen, MD, FACS
      Bao Nguyen, MD, FACS
      Bao C. Nguyen, MD, FACS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Languages: Vietnamese Ages Seen: 16 - 99

      Book Now
    • Kevin O'Farrell, MD
      Kevin O'Farrell, MD
      Kevin O'Farrell, MD
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 16 - 99

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  • ARC Medical Plaza Specialty
    1401 Medical Parkway
    Building B, Suite 200
    Cedar Park, TX 78613
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    • Christopher W. Bailey, MD, FACS
      Christopher Bailey
      Christopher W. Bailey, MD, FACS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 14 - 99

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    • Marco Vinicio Medina-Zea, MD, FACS, FASMBS
      Marco  Medina-Zea, MD, FACS, FASMBS
      Marco Vinicio Medina-Zea, MD, FACS, FASMBS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and CancerBariatric Surgery

      Accepting new patients Languages: Spanish Ages Seen: 14 - 99

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  • ARC South 1st Specialty and Pediatrics
    3816 South 1st Street
    Austin, TX 78704
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    • Angela M. Ekern, APRN, FNP-C
      Angela Ekern, APRN, FNP-C
      Angela M. Ekern, APRN, FNP-C
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 16 - 99

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    • Joseph E. Garcia, MD
      Joseph Garcia
      Joseph E. Garcia, MD
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 14 - 99

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    • Delfino Estevan Lorenzo, MD, FACS
      Delfino Lorenzo, MD, FACS
      Delfino Estevan Lorenzo, MD, FACS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 16 - 99

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    • Rachael E.P. Seddighzadeh, DO, MS
      Rachael Seddighzadeh
      Rachael E.P. Seddighzadeh, DO, MS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 18 - 99

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