Breast Disease and Cancer

Breast Cancer and Disease Banner

Finding a breast mass or finding out that breast imaging was abnormal can be difficult. ARC general surgeons and specialized advanced practice clinicians (APCs) can guide patients through the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a variety of benign and malignant breast diseases.

From initial assessment, including physical examination and interpretation of mammograms and ultrasounds, to performing image-guided biopsies in the office, ARC general surgeons can help diagnose and initially evaluate breast disorders.

If the condition requires further surgical intervention, your ARC general surgeon can guide you through surgical options, including breast conservation techniques such as lumpectomy, oncoplastic tissue transfer, and mastectomy with and without reconstruction. All of our surgeons are fully trained and able to offer sentinel lymph node biopsies, which have become a standard of care in breast cancer treatment and allow patients to avoid painful and debilitating conditions such as lymphedema.

ARC general surgeons and breast care

Patients diagnosed with breast-related conditions typically meet with an ARC general surgeon or APC to review previous medical records and test results and discuss the next steps. Once the diagnosis is finalized, you will work with the surgeon to develop a treatment plan tailored to your condition. Your general surgeon and/or specialized APC will be your guide throughout your breast surgery from preoperative, operative, and postoperative care, and will oversee your recovery.


Axillary Dissection

Axillary Dissection

Axillary dissection is a surgical procedure to identify, examine, or remove lymph nodes. Axillary dissection is typically used when treating the axilla in breast cancer.



A lumpectomy is the surgical removal of a lump of breast tissue. This is usually done to treat a malignant tumor or breast cancer.

Office-Based Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy

Office-Based Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy

ARC offers in-office ultrasounds to help diagnose conditions and direct patient treatments.

Partial, Simple and Modified Radical Mastectomy

Partial, Simple and Modified Radical Mastectomy

A mastectomy is a surgery to remove a breast. Sometimes other tissues near the breast, such as lymph nodes, are also removed. This surgery is most often used to treat breast cancer.

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Port Placement for IV Access

Port Placement for IV Access

The placement of a port for IV access.

SAVI Catheter Placement for Localized Radiation Treatments

SAVI Catheter Placement for Localized Radiation Treatments

The placement of a SAVI catheter for radiation treatment.

Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

A sentinel lymph node biopsy is a type of surgery done to remove lymph nodes to help find out if and how far cancer has spread in the body. The main reason for a sentinel lymph node biopsy is to find out if the cancer has spread beyond the main tumor. 

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Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

If your ARC doctor or advanced practice clinician (APC) suspects you might have breast cancer, you will need certain exams and tests to confirm. They will ask about your health history, your symptoms, risk factors, and family history of the disease.

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Breast Pain

Breast Pain

The pain can range from minor discomfort to severely disabling pain in some cases. Many women with breast pain are afraid they may have breast cancer. But breast pain is rarely linked to breast cancer.

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A cyst is a fluid-filled sac. A cyst can develop in the breast tissue and is most common in women nearing menopause.

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Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Fibrocystic breast symptoms may include breast tenderness or the sudden appearance of masses in your breast. It is a common noncancerous condition that mostly affects premenopausal women.

Masses and Lumps

Masses and Lumps

Two of the most common causes of benign single breast lumps are cysts and fibroadenomas. Several other conditions can also appear as lumps.

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Locations & Providers

  • ARC Far West Medical Tower
    6811 Austin Center Boulevard
    Suite 300
    Austin, TX 78731
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    • Semyon (Sam) Gambarin, MD
      Semyon Gambarin
      Semyon (Sam) Gambarin, MD
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Languages: Russian, Spanish (limited) Ages Seen: 16 - 99

      Book Now
    • Bao C. Nguyen, MD, FACS
      Bao Nguyen, MD, FACS
      Bao C. Nguyen, MD, FACS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Languages: Vietnamese Ages Seen: 16 - 99

      Book Now
    • Kevin O'Farrell, MD
      Kevin O'Farrell, MD
      Kevin O'Farrell, MD
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 16 - 99

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  • ARC Medical Plaza Specialty
    1401 Medical Parkway
    Building B, Suite 200
    Cedar Park, TX 78613
    Get Directions
    • Christopher W. Bailey, MD, FACS
      Christopher Bailey
      Christopher W. Bailey, MD, FACS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 14 - 99

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    • Arielle C. DuBose, MD, FACS, FASCRS
      Arielle DuBose, MD, FACS, FASCRS
      Arielle C. DuBose, MD, FACS, FASCRS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgerySkin and Soft TissueColon, Rectal Disease, and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 18 - 99

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    • Marco Vinicio Medina-Zea, MD, FACS, FASMBS
      Marco  Medina-Zea, MD, FACS, FASMBS
      Marco Vinicio Medina-Zea, MD, FACS, FASMBS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and CancerBariatric Surgery

      Accepting new patients Languages: Spanish Ages Seen: 14 - 99

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  • ARC South 1st Specialty and Pediatrics
    3816 South 1st Street
    Austin, TX 78704
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    • Angela M. Ekern, APRN, FNP-C
      Angela Ekern, APRN, FNP-C
      Angela M. Ekern, APRN, FNP-C
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 16 - 99

      Book Now
    • Joseph E. Garcia, MD
      Joseph Garcia
      Joseph E. Garcia, MD
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 14 - 99

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    • Delfino Estevan Lorenzo, MD, FACS
      Delfino Lorenzo, MD, FACS
      Delfino Estevan Lorenzo, MD, FACS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 16 - 99

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    • Rachael E.P. Seddighzadeh, DO, MS
      Rachael Seddighzadeh
      Rachael E.P. Seddighzadeh, DO, MS
      General Surgery Anal/RectalHernia RepairBreast Disease and CancerGallstone Treatment and Gallbladder SurgeryGERD TreatmentSkin and Soft TissueThyroid Disease and Cancer

      Accepting new patients Ages Seen: 18 - 99

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