Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are used for the treatment of rough, discolored, sun-damaged skin. They also aid in the treatment of acne and improve fine lines by promoting the growth of new collagen and improving the texture and tone of your skin. The results will leave you with soft and smooth, evenly toned, glowing skin. A series of peels is recommended to achieve the best results.

Peeling agents that are used in our office include Glycolic acid, Jessner's solution, Modified Jessner's solution, and TCA solutions.


  • Improve skin texture and tone
    Chemical peels remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells, revealing smoother and more even skin texture. It can also help with uneven skin tone caused by sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and other factors.
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
    Chemical peels stimulate collagen production, which can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a more youthful and plump look.
  • Diminish acne and acne scars
    Chemical peels can help to reduce acne and lighten acne scars by unclogging pores and reducing inflammation.
  • Lighten hyperpigmentation and age spots
    Chemical peels can help to lighten hyperpigmentation and age spots by removing the outer layer of skin where the pigmentation is located, which makes them ideal for treating melasma.
  • Increase collagen production
    Collagen is responsible for keeping your skin firm and plump. Chemical peels can stimulate collagen production, helping to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Minimize the appearance of pores
    Chemical peels can help to unclog pores and reduce their appearance, giving your skin a smoother and more refined look.
  • Improve skin hydration and moisture retention
    Chemical peels can help to improve the skin's ability to retain moisture, keeping it hydrated and healthy-looking.


Chemical peel options

With a variety of peel strengths to choose from, you can get the chemical peel that works best for you and your skin. Ask your ARC Medical Aesthetics doctor or aesthetician which chemical peel is right for you.

  • Light peels

    Light peels, also called superficial peels, typically contain alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acids. After treatment, you can return to your daily routine with no visible signs of treatment. The improvements with a superficial peel are usually subtle, and the procedure needs to be repeated regularly to maintain positive results. Our Glycolic Acid Peels range from 35% to 70%.

  • Medium peels

    Medium peels use chemicals like trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to penetrate more deeply than a light peel. These peels can be a good option for anyone who wants to: soften scars, including acne scars.

  • Deep peels

    Deep peels often use phenol, a potent chemical that removes several layers of skin to create dramatic improvements in the complexion. For this treatment, higher concentrations of TCA can also be used. Deep peels are suitable for more severe signs of aging and sun damage, and the results can last for many years. While the recovery process for these treatments can be uncomfortable and lengthy, the outcome is outstanding.


See real results

Patient results may vary.

Chemical Peels FAQs

  • What are chemical peels?

    Chemical Peels are non-invasive, painless treatments that will increase the production of collagen, improve skin discoloration, improve acne and result in new smoother, tighter, more hydrated skin, leaving you with a clearer, more youthful complexion.

  • Where can chemical peels be used?

    The most common areas for peels are the face and neck décolletage; however, it can be used anywhere on the body.

  • How long does a chemical peel treatment take?

    A treatment normally takes between 15-20 minutes, although time varies depending on the type of peel you are using.

  • How long will I peel?

    In general, you can expect to start peeling on or around day three and peel for about three to four days afterward. Each person’s peeling experience is a little different, and some may peel for more or fewer days, depending on the condition of the skin. If this is your first Chemical Peel, it’s normal to peel for a longer amount of time.

    Don't panic if your skin doesn't peel while recovering from a chemical peel. Your skin doesn't need to peel for the chemical peel to make your skin look great. The skin exfoliation and healing process happens at a cellular level, and this doesn't always require external peeling for your skin to look great.

  • When can I go in the sun?

    You want to avoid direct and extreme sun exposure for the first 7 days. Make sure you’re applying SPF 50 Sunscreen every morning. Also note that lifestyle sun exposure, like running errands, going for a walk, walking your dog, grabbing coffee, and driving, are all fine, if you are protecting your skin from the sun by wearing SPF and wearing a hat.

  • What peels do we offer?

    Glycolic peel

    This light-strength peel effectively addresses the first signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Effective in unclogging pores, decreasing mild acne, superficial acne scars, melasma, sunspots, and blackheads. After a glycolic peel, the skin appears brighter and refreshed. You will need a series to address your concerns, but no downtime.

    VI peel

    • VI Original is great for first-time peelers, rosacea-prone and sensitive skin.
    • VI Purify is great for acne-prone skin with skin discoloration and scars.
    • VI Precision Plus with added Hydroquinone and Kojic Acid Peel is great for addressing hyperpigmentation, melisma, fine lines and wrinkles, and sun damaged skin. Post-surgical scars that have hyper pigmented as well.

    TCA peel

    Trichloroacetic acid, or TCA peels, are effective for treating a range of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and dull, uneven skin texture. Compared to other chemical peels, such as glycolic or salicylic acid, TCA peels are generally stronger and penetrate deeper into the skin, and typically require a longer recovery period.

Schedule your consultation at 512-292-5182.

A $25 non-refundable deposit is required at scheduling and credited toward any booked procedure. The deposit will not be refunded if you miss your appointment or choose not to book a procedure.