The most important part of the patient visit

Family medicine doctor Kia M. Ousley, MD

We are happy to announce that Kia M. Ousley, MD, Family Medicine, has joined the Same-Day Care team at ARC Cedar Park.

"I was always drawn to family medicine and urgent care because of the wide range of patients you encounter every day," says Dr. Ousley. "I have the joy of seeing an entire family from babies to great grandparents. Every workday is so exciting in family medicine."

Patients first

"My approach to care is to always put the patient first," says Dr. Ousley. "Taking the time to listen is the most important part of the visit, in my opinion."

When asked about her best health tip, Dr. Ousley says, "Stay well hydrated and know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion. The Texas heat is no joke during the summer."

In her free time, Dr. Ousley enjoys, "Playing the piano or going for walks with my boyfriend and my dog."

Make an appointment at ARC Same-Day Care

Scheduling a Same-Day appointment is easy – just make an appointment online or call 512-272-4636 and press '1' to make an appointment. Don't wait 'til 8 to call your doctor's office, ARC Patient Service Representatives are available 24/7 to schedule an appointment near you.

Welcome to Austin Regional Clinic, Dr. Ousley.

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