Customer Service

The ARC Customer Service Department and our other departments are available to assist you with obtaining the caring service we know you expect when coming to Austin Regional Clinic. Through a team of service providers, we can assist in resolving any challenges that may occur and ensure that you have easy access to the many resources available to you as an Austin Regional Clinic patient.

The departments listed below are part of our customer service resources. If you are unclear which department will be best able to help you resolve your concern, please call 512-ARC-INFO (512-272-4636), our main Customer Service Department and we can help guide you in the right direction.

General information

512-ARC-INFO (512-272-4636)
The ARC Customer Service Department is available to answer general questions you have about the organization, our physicians and advanced practice clinicians (APCs), or our operations. If you would like assistance in choosing any Austin Regional Clinic physician or APC, this department has up-to-date information about our doctors and APCs.

Kudos, concerns, or complaints

Call your doctor's or APC's office directly and speak to the Clinic Manager or on-site supervisor. Clinic Management appreciates hearing about your positive experiences and can usually resolve any concern regarding your care.

Notice Concerning Complaints
Complaints about physicians or APCs, as well as other licensees and registrants of the Texas Medical Board (TMB), including physician assistants, acupuncturists, and surgical assistants, may be reported for investigation at the following address:

Texas Medical Board
Attention: Investigations
333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Suite 610
P.O. Box 2018, MC-263
Austin, Texas 78768-2018

Assistance in filing a complaint is available by calling the following telephone number: 1-800-201-9353.

For more information please visit the TMB website.

Patient registration & changes

The Central Registration Department is available to assist you with a variety of services, including updating and verifying your insurance and other registration information such as name, address and phone number.

Patient accounts

The Central Billing Office Patient Accounts Representatives are available to help you understand your bill or resolve a billing issue over the phone. We're available to assist you Monday through Friday 7:30am – 9:00pm and Saturday through Sunday 8:00am – 5:00pm. If you are unable to remit payment in full or need assistance establishing a payment plan, please call us or send written correspondence to Austin Regional Clinic at PO BOX 26726 in Austin, TX 78755. You may also contact us online.

Referrals clinic

Clinic direct phone number
Call your doctor's or APC's office directly and speak to the Referral Coordinator if you have any questions about your referral to a specialist or service.