When is your menstrual pain not normal?

woman after experiencing abnormal menstrual pain

Recently, Shao-Chun Rose Chang-Jackson, MD, FACOG, Ob/Gyn (Obstetrics/Gynecology) at ARC Center Street, joined KVUE Midday to discuss endometriosis. "Endometriosis is one of the most common causes of chronic pelvic pain in women," said Dr. Shao-Chun Rose Chang-Jackson. "If you are having pain that is not responding to OTC pain medications, missing work, missing school, then this is not normal."

In this recent interview with KVUE Midday, Dr. Chang-Jackson explained what endometriosis is, saying, "It is a condition where the uterine glands that line the cavity of the uterus are actually found elsewhere. So instead of staying in the uterus, they can be found in the ovaries, on the fallopian tubes, and on organs in the pelvis. And so because of that and the symptoms they can elicit in the other organs it can be one of those conditions that can be very difficult to diagnose."

"Endometriosis is one of the most common causes of chronic pelvic pain in women," elaborated Dr. Chang-Jackson. "When women see a physician for a cure, they may see a doctor who is not an Ob/Gyn, so oftentimes the diagnosis is not discovered until much later on and the disease has gotten much worse."

Is this menstrual pain normal?

"When teenagers get their menstrual period for the first time it is often painful and so they are led to believe that this is normal," said Dr. Chang-Jackson. "In fact, staying from school and missing work really isn't normal for a menstrual period."

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

When discussing the symptoms of endometriosis, Dr. Chang-Jackson said, "One of the easiest signs is really painful menstrual periods. If they are having so much pain that they are not responding to over-the-counter pain medications, missing work, missing school, then this is something they need to seek care for, and not think this is normal."

Treatment options for endometriosis

The good news about treatment? Dr. Chang-Jackson explained that endometriosis has become more mainstream, and so have treatments. She said, "Just a few years back, all we had were injectable medications that had many side effects." But she added, "There is a medication that was released a few years back that is oral and is highly effective in treating endometriosis symptoms beyond regular birth control. Birth control has hormones in it that suppress your body's formation of the main hormone that drives endometriosis, estrogen. Birth control is often the first line medication that we use. If it fails, we move on to this other oral medication, which has been a game changer."

Make an appointment today

If you would like to make an appointment with Dr. Chang-Jackson you can do so online at ARCBookNow.com or by calling ARC Center Street at 737-404-0347.

Tags: Menstrual Pain