Clinical Biospecimen Collection for Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Disease Biomarker Research

Austin Regional Clinic physicians constantly work to improve the care given to all our patients. We are dedicated to offering unique options for our patients and helping them reach their ideal health goals. Part of this dedication involves making clinical research available. Clinical research makes it possible to discover the benefits, risks, and safety of commercially available and investigational medications.

Research standards are very strict to help make studies as safe as possible. Teams of government and research experts have already reviewed each study we conduct to minimize any study risks. Austin Regional Clinic has decided to be involved in this research study because we believe it can potentially benefit our patients.

About the clinical biospecimen collection

The objective of this study is to collect specimens from subjects with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's for the purpose of biobanking and commercial use towards biomarker development and other technologies or treatments.

By participating in this study, you would be contributing to the development of groundbreaking technology with the potential to benefit many people in the future. ARC is one of the many study centers in the United States participating in this research study.

What to expect

We are currently seeking candidates for a clinical research study. During the study, patients can expect:

  • A 1-time blood draw and urine collection
  • Visit will take about 30 minutes

Eligibility criteria

All participants must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be diagnosed with clinically established Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Disease
  • Be willing to undergo a 1-time blood draw and urine collection

Subjects must be deemed competent by a qualified clinical study researcher to provide legally documented informed consent, or if a subject is deemed incompetent, either legally or through an assessment of the subject's mental capacity, the subject's legally authorized representative (LAR) or guardian must provide legally documented informed consent.


Request to participate

Please contact our ARC Clinical Research team to request to participate by calling 737-247-7240.