Martha I. Pyron, MD
Dr. Pyron grew up in San Antonio. When she is not working or serving as Team Physician for various sports, Dr. Pyron loves being with her dog, Clarabelle, who loves to go for walks, play stick or ball at the park, swim, and search for items based on scent. Dr. Pyron also enjoys the outdoors, “except when it’s the middle of summer heat in Texas!” She also loves her musculoskeletal medicine practice – whether working with an Olympic athlete or the average person who has an injury, it is all fun for her. Among her favorite area locales are Barking Springs in the summer – a great place to cool off and play with her dog in the water. She also loves the parks around Austin, year-round.
I was doing well in studying biology and chemistry, but I knew I did not want to be in a lab all day. I wanted to use my skills to help people (or animals). When I was a child, I wanted to be a veterinarian, then changed my direction in college. I truly believe the best way to practice medicine is to listen. And then apply up-to-date knowledge and skills to devise a plan that suits the patients’ needs.
- Bracing, Casting, and Other Forms of Immobilization
Bracing, Casting, and Other Forms of Immobilization
Bracing, casting, and other forms of immobilization help immobilize injured bones, promote healing, and reduce pain and swelling while bones heal from surgery or injury.
- Concussion Management
Concussion Management
ARC Sports & Musculoskeletal Medicine physicians offer non-surgical concussion management.
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- Diagnostic Digital Imaging (X-Ray)
Diagnostic Digital Imaging (X-Ray)
Diagnostic digital imaging (x-ray) helps ARC doctors diagnose medical conditions, reduces the need for needless invasive exploratory processes, and creates better patient outcomes.
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- Diagnostic Ultrasonography and Ultrasound Guided Injections
Diagnostic Ultrasonography and Ultrasound Guided Injections
A diagnostic ultrasonography can be used to view internal parts of your body to see if something is wrong or not working properly. They can also be used to help guide injections.
- Fracture Management
Fracture Management
ARC Sports & Musculoskeletal Medicine physicians and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) offer non-surgical fracture care.
- Management of Degenerative Musculoskeletal Conditions and Chronic Pain Symptoms
Management of Degenerative Musculoskeletal Conditions and Chronic Pain Symptoms
ARC Sports & Musculoskeletal Medicine physicians and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) offer non-surgical management of degenerative musculoskeletal conditions and chronic pain symptoms.
- Management of Sports Injuries and Guidance to Return to Sport
Management of Sports Injuries and Guidance to Return to Sport
ARC Sports & Musculoskeletal Medicine physicians and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) offer non-surgical management of sports injuries and guidance to return to sports activities.
- Referral for Advanced Imaging – MRI, CT, etc
Referral for Advanced Imaging – MRI, CT, etc
Your ARC physician or advanced practice clinician (APC) may refer you to a doctor outside of ARC to get an MRI, CT scan, or other procedures not provided by ARC.
- Referral to Physical Therapy
Referral to Physical Therapy
Your ARC doctor or advanced practice clinician (APC) may refer you to a physical therapist outside of the ARC clinic system.
- Steroid Injections
Steroid Injections
Steroid injections are a non-surgical procedure that can help reduce pain and swelling, providing effective relief.
- Telemedicine Visits
Telemedicine Visits
ARC offers telemedicine visits for primary and specialty care. ARC doctors and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) can quickly evaluate you for a new health issue or follow up with you via a phone call or video visit from the comfort of your home.
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Locations & Hours
Board Certifications
Board Certified in Family Medicine and Sports Medicine
Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship, Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 2001
Family Practice Residency, Southern Colorado Family Medicine, Pueblo, CO, 1999
Medical School
University of Health Science Center at San Antonio, TX, 1996
BA in Biology, The University of Texas at Austin, 1991
Professional Positions
- Member, Travis County Medical Society
- Member, American College of Sports Medicine
- Member, American Medical Society of Sports Medicine
- Member, American Medical Society
- Clinical Instructor, Texas Women’s University Nurse Practitioner Doctoral Program
- Clinical Instructor, Baylor Scott and White Nurse Practitioner Doctoral Program
- Clinical Instructor, St. Augustin Physical Therapy Doctoral Program
- Clinical Instructor, University of Texas Athletic Training undergraduate students
- Adjunct Professor, Dell Medical School Department of Population Health, 2018-2020
- Adjunct Professor, UT Austin Kinesiology Department
- Team Physician for U.S. Ski and Snowboard
- Team Physician for Austin Elite Women’s Soccer Team, 2019-2022
- Team Physician for BOLD professional soccer team, 2017-2020
- Medical Director for Waco Ironman (2019), Austin Marathon and Half-Marathon (2016-2020), and Texas Triathalon series (2012-2019)
- Board Member, Texas American College of Sports Medicine, 2016-2019
- Community Support Private Business Recognition for U.S. Army Reserves, 2015
- Editorial Board Member for American College of Sports Medicine, FIT Life newsletter, 2003-2012
- Diversity Committee Member for American Medical Society of Sports Medicine, 2006-2012