Elaine Hamilton

Elaine L. Hamilton, MD, FAAP

4.6of 5 | (150) | View Reviews
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Accepting new patients ARC South 1st Specialty and Pediatrics Ages seen: 0 - 18 Languages: Spanish Joined ARC: 2023

About Elaine L. Hamilton, MD, FAAP

  • Dr. Hamilton’s family was in the Air Force and was stationed in several places before the family moved to San Antonio when she was 12. In her free time, Dr. Hamilton enjoys hiking, cycling, cooking, and baking. She is married with three adult children and “one good dog.”

At three years old, I said I was going to be a doctor when I grew up, and I never changed my mind. I was the oldest of seven children and enjoyed taking care of babies. I love watching them grow and develop unique personalities, and in doing so, I touch the future. I have the honor and privilege of participating in the miraculous unfolding of a new life, from birth to adulthood. I forge relationships with families, share the joys of their parenting journey, and support them through the challenges. I love my job!


Behavioral Evaluation

Behavioral Evaluation

ARC Pediatrics provides behavioral evaluations to gather information to help your child and family.

Developmental and Autism Screening

Developmental and Autism Screening

Developmental and Autism screenings are tests that help diagnose developmental challenges in children.

Flu Shots

Flu Shots

A flu vaccine can help prevent flu-related visits each year. CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get vaccinated every flu season.

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Hearing Screenings for School-Age Children

Hearing Screenings for School-Age Children

Hearing screenings are tests to help identify hearing loss in children and its severity.

Lactation Support

Lactation Support

If you choose to breastfeed, your ARC pediatrician, Ob/Gyn, advanced practice clinician (APC), or care team can provide advice and recommendations. We also partner with Breastfeeding Success (BFS) to help new parents with specialized educational materials, classes, and visits with a lactation consultant, as needed.

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Newborn Hearing Screenings

Newborn Hearing Screenings

Hearing loss screenings for newborns help determine if your baby has hearing loss.

Pediatric Eye Exam

Pediatric Eye Exam

ARC pediatric eye exams check eye health and scan for amblyopia risk factors, blurry vision, farsightedness, nearsightedness, vision loss, and more.

Pediatric Immunizations

Pediatric Immunizations

Immunizations are a safe, effective way to protect children from diseases, including some cancers, as well as hospitalization, disability, and death. It is important to maintain routine immunizations during a pandemic or other public health emergency to prevent further outbreaks.

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Pediatric Meet & Greet

Pediatric Meet & Greet

Preparing for your baby's arrival is an exciting time that can raise questions about the health care your child will receive. A free ARC Pediatric Meet & Greet is an excellent opportunity for you to learn about our practice and inquire about an individual doctor's or advanced practice clinician's (APC) philosophy of caring for infants, children, and teens.

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Pediatric Newborn Visits

Pediatric Newborn Visits

Our dedicated pediatricians and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) offer comprehensive 3-day and 2-week newborn visits designed to ensure the health and well-being of your newest family member.

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Telemedicine Visits

Telemedicine Visits

ARC offers telemedicine visits for primary and specialty care. ARC doctors and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) can quickly evaluate you for a new health issue or follow up with you via a phone call or video visit from the comfort of your home.

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Well-Check Exam

Well-Check Exam

A well-check exam focuses on maintaining your child’s health and is a time to discuss preventive care. Our doctors and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) cover growth, development, immunization updates, health, safety, nutrition, physical fitness, puberty, acne, learning, behavioral questions, and family and social concerns.

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Locations & Hours


  • Board Certifications
    Board Certified in Pediatrics
  • Residency
    Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX, 1990
  • Medical School
    University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, 1986
  • Education
    B.S. in Engineering Science, The University of Texas at Austin, 1981
  • Professional Positions
    • Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics
    • Member, Travis County Medical Society
    • Member, Texas Medical Association
  • Awards & Honors
    • Meritorious Service Medal, US Army Medical Corps, Fort Hood, TX, 1994
