Thanks a Million! ARC reaches patient visit milestone!

Thanks a Million! ARC reaches patient visit milestone!

Thanks to our loyal patients and hardworking doctors, nurses, and staff, ARC celebrates two impressive and important milestones this year – our 35th anniversary of providing health care to Central Texans and, as of this month, over one million patient visits in 2015!

As we have for the last 35 years, ARC will continue to serve the healthcare needs of our growing communities. In doing so, we will also continue to expand access to quality care by adding new clinics, new health plans, new services, new doctors and new staff.

"One million patient visits in one year is indeed a monumental achievement! " said Dr. Norman H. Chenven, ARC CEO and Founder. "We began serving the community in 1980 with just three doctors, and have since grown with the community every step of the way. We are extremely grateful to our patients for entrusting ARC with their healthcare needs, and to our dedicated doctors, nurses and staff for their care and service. "

Thanks a million to everyone who helped us reach this milestone. We look forward to continued investment in the health of our community and are excited about adding new clinics, new services, and even easier access to quality care.

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