Honoring the fallen on Memorial Day

Honoring the fallen on Memorial Day

Monday, May 27, is Memorial Day, one of America's most meaningful patriotic observances. On this federal holiday, we honor and remember the service men and women who have died defending our country at home and abroad for the past 160 years.

Not just on Memorial Day, but almost every day, we are reminded of the great sacrifices that those in the Armed Services continue to make as they defend us across the globe, a debt we can never repay. The fallen are entitled to our gratitude and will always live in our memories as a continuing reminder of what is important.

Fortunately for most of us, Memorial Day is a respite from work. But for many at ARC, there is our commitment to After Hours call coverage that has provided access to care for our community for decades. We sincerely appreciate all of our ARC physicians, APCs, and staff working this weekend, including After Hours, IT, NormanMD, Central Registration, and many others.

It is a tradition to pause for a moment of quiet reflection at 3:00 p.m. Monday, the National Moment of Remembrance, when all Americans, alone or with family and friends, are asked to take time to think about and honor those who died in service to the United States. This memorial observance represents a simple and unifying way to commemorate our history and honor the struggle to protect our freedoms.

As we honor our fallen today, let us live by their dedication to democracy and freedom.

Norman Chenven, MD
ARC Founding CEO

Anas Daghestani, MD
ARC President & CEO

Katherine Flynn Henry, JD
ARC Chief Administrative Officer

Manish Naik, MD
ARC Chief Medical Officer & Chief Medical Information Officer

Brandon Teenier, CPA
ARC Chief Financial Officer

Tags: Memorial Day