August 2022

Long hold times? We hear you. Try these online tools for faster access.
Long hold times are frustrating when you need medical information. We hear you and we’re working hard to shorten hold times and serve you better. Until we can address all the issues affecting phone line back-up, here are alternative ways to reach us quickly and get what you need.
- Ask the friendly bot. The chat bot on the lower right of the ARC website searches our entire website to quickly help you pinpoint information. Type your questions or use voice to chat on your phone.
- Save time with ARC MyChart self-serve options. Schedule appointments, check appointment times, reschedule or cancel most appointments. You can also quickly get family access to shot records for your children and complete check-in paperwork before your appointments. Check out more MyChart tips to save time.
- Make an appointment online.
- Search our Health Library for conditions and treatments, nutrition topics, healthy living … it’s a one-stop resource.
- Visit the COVID-19 Care page for the latest updates on vaccines, boosters, and tests.
Thank you for being part of ARC. We always appreciate your patience as we make improvements to serve you better.

Well checks and records made easy
Summer is the best time to get well checks for your kids before school starts, and we make it easy! During the summer months, some pediatricians offer extended hours in the evenings and on weekends. Year-round you can book at an After Hours Clinic with the first-available pediatrician who will keep your regular doctor in the loop. Book online at
While you are online, stay you up-to-date on your family's vaccines with ARC MyChart. These tips show you how to access and print your family’s immunization record.

COVID-19 vaccines for our youngest patients
We now have COVID-19 vaccines for children 6 months – 5 years. ARC has vaccines for pediatric patients at all primary care locations, incuding our five ARC After Hours Clinic.
Boosters, too. The CDC and FDA have authorized the COVID-19 booster shot (third dose) for ages 5-11. Find information on all COVID-19 vaccines and boosters along with scheduling information at
Schedule online or by phone:
- With a child proxy, schedule at or on the app.
- Call the ARC COVID-19 Hotline 866-453-4525 or any ARC primary care location and press 1.

New ARC Rheumatology clinical research studies
ARC Rheumatologists are actively recruiting patients for clinical research studies. Patients with psoriatic arthritis, cutaneous and discoid lupus, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, or Sjogren’s syndrome are encouraged to sign up. Your participation can help find an effective treatment and benefit even more patients in our community. All study-related expenses and medications will be provided at no expense to patients who qualify.